reyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary is a registered non-profit society whose purpose is to protect and enhance the quality of life for exotic birds.
Greyhaven actively promotes avian welfare and awareness in the community through educational seminars and presentations to local schools, colleges, clubs, and other organizations. Our goal is to help people understand the commitment it takes to share one’s home with a companion bird.
Greyhaven is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. We employ a small number of part-time staff but, the bulk of our operations rely on volunteers. Without the many volunteers who generously devote their valuable time to the well-being of the birds under the care and protection of Greyhaven we would be unable to function. We are strongly committed to the welfare of our birds, and dedicate each day to providing the highest level of care.
We rely entirely on donations, fundraising, and adoption fees to defray costs. The challenge for Greyhaven is to find the resources to care for the ever-increasing number of birds entering its facilities. Medical expenses, food, cages, toys, essential equipment, rent, and payroll are ongoing expenses.