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Safe And Toxic Foods

Feed them right

A good diet is so important to the overall health of any parrot, regardless of size.  From tiny Budgies to giant Macaws, they all need a good pellet diet, fresh fruits, vegetables and grains.  Learn more about what foods are healthy and what foods are toxic to your birds.

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Health & Safety

Keep them safe

Living with a parrot poses many environmental challenges.  Many products commonly used in our homes can potentially kill a bird.  Non stick cookware, scented candles and much, much more.

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Toys and Enrichment

Keep them busy

Chewing is a natural behavior to any parrot.  It’s very important to help maintain their beaks, it provides them with an outlet for their energy and it’s just good fun!  Providing your bird with a variety of toys, play stations and a safe and spacious cage is critical to their physical and emotional well being.